Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mashed Potatoes

I'm trying these this year. Really with butter and cream cheese you can't go wrong.
I like that I can make them the day before and just put them in the oven to heat up. The less prep work on Thanksgiving the better.
I'll be back after Thanksgiving with a report of how they turned out.

Okay I'm back! These potatoes are heavenly! Sooo good. They tasted the best right after making them. I made them on Wednesday and put them in the fridge. Well I forgot my fridge is really a freezer so they were pretty frozen Thursday. I had them separated out into two pans so one of the pans we microwaved to heat up. These were just okay. The other pan I put in the oven on a low heat to let them warm through and they came out really yummy. I still liked them best right when I made them. I will be making my mashed potatoes with the recipe from now on.

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