Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tin Foil Chicken

4-6 chicken breast halves (depending on how many you're feeding and how much you want for leftovers)
1 bag of pasta accents cheddar flavor for every two chicken breast halves
Dijon mustard

Mix desired ratio of mayo and dijon mustard. I like more mayo and less mustard (not a mustard fan but like a little for flavor) I probably do about 1/2 cup mayo to a few TBS of mustard. Play around with it you'll find a flavor you like.
Pound the chicken breast with a mallet until thin. Place in a sheet of tin foil and spread a layer of mayo/mustard mixture. Cover with half a bag of pasta accents and fold up tin foil. Repeat for each chicken breast. Bake at 350 until chicken is cooked through. (Mom can you give a better time on it. I just watch it.)
The pasta accents are in your frozen veggie section of the grocery store. They are made by Green Giant I think. They include the pasta, broccoli, carrots, and the cheese sauce. If you don't like cheese sauce there is a garlic option that is still good we just prefer the cheese one.

1 comment:

Sam said...

thanks for posting this Lara! Bryan and I are going to make these maybe this weekend :))